4 Keys to Victory
Download a little quick reference card to keep in your pocket (.pdf file of 4 printable cards). Follow the steps and experience victory! You may have to go over the steps over and over, but don’t give up. Keep forming those new habits and giving God permission to empower you with HIS power, new thoughts, new habits. I believe in you and what God can do!
Videos on Sexual Addictions
Video Series on Media Addictions
Scotty Mayer – Little Light Studios
Freedom Tool Kit
Apply God’s promises and useful tools to your life. This is a little booklet that helps us call out to Jesus in the moments of our day. We can take teeny, weeny steps that grow into bigger steps with God’s help. Download, print, and share as needed.
Other Recovery Programs
U-Turn for Christ Christian Drug & Alcohol Rehab is a residential, court approved drug and alcohol rehab center. Freedom from addiction is possible.
Useful Apps & Websites
Covenant Eyes Covenant Eyes helps you live porn-free through the power of accountability & relationships. Live porn-free w/Covenant Eyes Accountability. Free resources & caring customer support. Help keep your family safe.
The Victory App Works with the Covenant Eyes App.
The Best Porn Addiction Resources in 2024
A Greater Lust DVD series addicted to purity in a pornagraphic world.
Media on the Brain & Media Mind by Scott Ritsema TV, movies, music, gaming, Facebook, texting, and pornography. It’s this generation’s obsession! But what does the latest science say about the mind-altering effects of 21st century media? And what is the spiritual agenda in the entertainment and advertising industries?
Living Free Living Free is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to equipping communities with the essential tools for small group training and discipleship curriculums. Our mission is to empower individuals to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues while fostering lasting positive change.
Community Resources in the Washington State/Walla Walla Valley