Would you love to be in better health?
Want to improve a particular area of your life?
Want to join others on a 6 week health & lifestyle challenge?
All ages and abilities can participate! We ALL can benefit!

Develop new habits for a lifetime that will serve you well!

It’s a lot more fun when you do it with others! We’d love to have you join us!!! Yes, it won’t be just you, all by your lonesome self. That is often why positive changes don’t happen in my life, when I’m just doing it alone.

We thrive on connecting with others, getting encouragement from others, having a little motivation, and making progress one step at a time.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Fill out the simple sign-up form. Get a team of 3 other people to do it with you or just sign up yourself.

Step 2: You will receive an email with a link to your personal points spreadsheet on or before Sunday, January 19, 2025. See or print 2025 Blank Spreadsheet.

Step 3: Set your goals! In your personal spreadsheet, on the Setup sheet, fill out your basic info and choose the items that you want to work on for the challenge. See the 2025 Activity List to choose from.

Step 4: Start the challenge! On Monday, January 20. Every day, fill out points for all the items you chose to work on + any extras you decided to do. Just takes 5-7 minutes. You can even print out a sheet to fill it out each day to keep handy and enter it in the computer at the end of the week.

Main Object: Reach the goals you choose to focus on AND develop new useful habits. (I mean, we all need those!)

  • Specific health goal items available in these categories:
    • Nutrition & Eating
    • Exercise
    • Water
    • Sunshine/Air
    • Temperance
    • Rest
    • Trust in God
  • Focus on as few or many health items as you want. See the 2025 Activity List you’ll be able to choose from.
  • Recommendations of what to choose will be given for these categories:
    • Overall Health
    • Exercise
    • Brain Power (improve your mental abilities)
    • Depression or Anxiety
    • Diet / Weight
    • Media Cleanse
    • Conquer an Addiction
  • Choose a doable amount so you don’t get discouraged and yet challenge yourself!!!!
  • You “win” by setting your goals for the 6 weeks and meeting them each day.
  • The more goals you meet each day, the more points and bonus points you get.
  • All points + bonus points from your goals go towards your team points.
  • If you only did part of your goal for the day, you’ll still get some points.
  • If you completed your goal for the day, you will get bonus points.
  • Points from extra items you do will contribute to your personal points, not your team points.
  • There will be multiple winners. The more personal goals you meet the more points you get, even if you didn’t choose as many items as someone else.
  • $15 participation fee.
  • All money from participation fees goes toward prizes.
  • You will be part of a team of four people to encourage each other as much as possible.
  • Each team chooses a team name.
  • You can find people to be on a team together or I can assign you to a team.
  • Watch for an info email each week from me…useful tips to meet your goals.

Just do it! (as my son would say)

Lana Ash
